Kitesurfcamps, Workshops & Events

Upcoming Mojokite workshops


Read the forecast

1.5 hours - €35

Learn how to read the wind forecasts so you can always find the best kitesurf conditions. We have designed a workshop in which we explain everything in a fun and very practical way, so that you can apply all this in your next kite, surf or wing adventure!


Surfskate workshop

1.5 hours - €35

On those days when there is no wind, but you want to feel like you are practicing your feel and control on the board, surfskate is a perfect activity. Join us to come to learn the basics of surfskate and improve your general feeling with the board?


Kitesurf gear info

On appointment - Free

Are you interested in getting your own kitesurfing equipment, or do you want to upgrade the one you already have? Come for a coffee with our pro and get all info on kites, boards, bars, harnesses, sizes, colors, materials, shapes, everything!

Kitesurf Barcelona Meetup

From time to time, it's good to get together and share a few beers, laughs, kitesurf information and just to get to know each other better. Want to join our next Mojokite meetup? Stay tuned to our social networks:

Upcoming Kitesurf Camps

January 2025: Cabo Verde

10 January 2025 - 30 January 2025
(two groups)

We return to tropical Cabo Verde to escape the winter cold! Perfect conditions to advance in a swimsuit instead of a wetsuit.

Kitesurf Camp Cabo Verde Invierno 2025

August / Sept 2024: Brazil

20 august 2024 - 20 september 2024
(two groups)

Wind every single day. Share a posada, kite every day, 4x4 excursions, downwinders... You will want to stay forever.

Kitesurf Camp Brazil Verano 2024

Junio 2025: Sardinia Roadtrip

10 June 2024 - 30 June 2024
(two groups)

We go where the wind takes us on the paradise island of Sardinia. A real adventure, discovering what the north has to offer.

Kitesurf Camp Sardinia Roadtrip Verano 2024

January 2024: Sal Island, Cabo Verde

20 January 2023 - 3 February 2023
(two groups)

Escaping winter and enjoying the beautiful island of Sal, Cabo Verde, where the sun shines and the wind blows - a lot. A

Kitesurf Camp Cabo Verde Invierno 2024